Top 5 Cyber Threat Intelligence Lifecycle Challenges

Adam Goss
10 min readFeb 5, 2024
Threat Intelligence Lifecycle Challenges

The cyber threat intelligence lifecycle is a fundamental model for structuring intelligence work. Implementing it is difficult.

This article discusses the top five challenges you will face when using the threat intelligence lifecycle in the real world. You will discover the issues that can arise with the people, processes, and technology when trying to structure and organize your cyber threat intelligence, from having too much data to too little feedback. After each problem, I will detail solutions you can use to navigate around them and build the perfect intelligence lifecycle.

Before we jump into the challenges, here is a quick recap of the threat intelligence lifecycle to get you up to speed.

Threat Intelligence Lifecycle Recap

The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) lifecycle provides a framework for organizing intelligence analysis. It is used to structure the collection, analysis, and distribution of threat data, transforming it into actionable intelligence that can be shared with key stakeholders in your organization.

The lifecycle includes six phases that serve as a blueprint for CTI analysts to follow when performing intelligence work or by CTI leads when designing processes for their teams. These six phases are:



Adam Goss

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